Thursday, December 31, 2020

Energy & Environment News

Government Europa brings you the latest Energy & Environment News from across the field of European Government Policy.

uk low carbon innovation

UK low carbon innovation: new funding model proposed

The UK government has announced plans to explore a new funding model to promote UK low carbon innovation and development. The Regulated Asset Base (RAB)...
nordic climate action

Nordic climate action: CEO group promotes collaboration on sustainability

A group of private sector CEOs dedicated to promoting Nordic climate action has met with heads of state to develop a collaborative approach on...
york climate emergency

York climate emergency report to assess sustainable policy

A City of York climate emergency report will be passed to the city council’s executive body to inform the development of future climate policy. The...
urban green spaces

Urban green spaces provide clear mental health benefits, study finds

New research has found a strong link between proximity to urban green spaces and mental wellbeing in city residents. The study, conducted by researchers at...
economics of climate change

Economics of climate change: GDPs to fall worldwide

A new study on the economics of climate change has found that global gross domestic product (GDP) will fall by around 7% by 2100...
national food strategy

National Food Strategy: call for evidence in review of UK food sector

The UK government has launched a call for evidence to inform a major review of the food industry, preceding the creation of a National...
off grid technology

Off grid technology is improving the world for everyone

Guest contributor Ali Dockerty explores the growing popularity of off grid technology and its potential for addressing major world challenges. The latest figures show that...
liverpool clean air

Liverpool clean air programme awarded government funding

The UK government has awarded £652,000 (€709,816) to Liverpool City Council to complete its proposed Liverpool clean air strategy. The funding, which will go towards...
helsinki think sustainably

Helsinki Think Sustainably to promote behavioural change

Helsinki has launched an online sustainability programme, Think Sustainably, to assuage residents’ concerns over the climate emergency. The Helsinki Think Sustainably initiative aims to provide...
Sustainable food

Sustainable food practices highlighted in Beacons of Hope report

A new report highlights 21 examples of ‘inspiring’ initiatives working towards secure and sustainable food systems. The report, titled ‘Beacons of Hope: Accelerating Transformations to...

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