Housing projects for refugees boost integration, conference finds
A conference on refugee issues hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) last week called for affordable, inclusive housing solutions to boost...
UK energy storage: £20 million competition launched
The UK government’s business department has launched a competition to find new sustainable, large scale energy storage options. The Storage at Scale competition, spearheaded by...
Aerodynamic lorry cabs to reduce fuel consumption
The Permanent Representatives Committee of the EU Council is fast-tracking the introduction of longer, more aerodynamic lorry cabs to improve fuel consumption and road...
EU short-stay visa reform: rules to be simplified
The European Parliament and Council have reached an agreement on the proposed reform of short-stay visas for non-EU nationals. The new EU Visa Code, which...
Policy coherence for development report released
The European Commission has released its 2019 report into policy coherence for international development, charting its contribution to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for...
Farmland prairie strips boost conservation, study finds
New research from Iowa State University has found alternating monocultural farmland with strips of prairie vegetation can improve soil quality, biodiversity and flood prevention. The...
Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive updated
The European Parliament, Council and Commission have provisionally agreed on amendments to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive to further protect workers’ health. The agreement will...
Brexit amendments vote: no-deal ruled out, backstop removed
MPs in the UK's House of Commons have voted on a range of amendments to Prime Minister Theresa May's acknowledgement of her historic loss...
Property regimes for international couples clarified
New regulations clarifying existing rules for international married couples and registered partnerships have come into force in 18 Member States. The regulations, covering the management...
Effectiveness of EFSI queried by auditors
The effectiveness of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) may have been overstated, according to a new report by the European Court of...