Thursday, December 31, 2020
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Government Europa brings you the latest EU Government News from across the field of European Government Policy.

ethical artificial intelligence

Ethical artificial intelligence in the EU

Earlier this year the EU announced its intention to become a world leader in ethical artificial intelligence, promoting user security and data protection as...
fundamental rights colloquium

Fundamental Rights Colloquium to cover democracy in the EU

The European Commission’s annual Fundamental Rights Colloquium, which runs from Monday 26 to Tuesday 27 November, has taken the theme this year of “Democracy...
dirty shipping fuel

Dirty shipping fuel: cruise ship captain fined €100,000

The captain of the Azura, a P&O cruise ship, has been fined €100,000 by a Marseille court after the ship was found to be...
Facebook document cache

Facebook document cache seized in UK

The UK parliament has used its legal privileges to seize a Facebook document cache containing internal information about the social media giant’s relationship with...
gilets jaunes marches

Gilets jaunes marches: Macron to respond

106,000 demonstrators across France took part in Saturday’s gilets jaunes marches, protesting president Emmanuel Macron’s fuel tax rises. Participants in the gilets jaunes marches had...
Kerch Strait

Kerch Strait reopened amid Russia-Ukraine tensions

The Kerch Strait, which connects the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea, has been reopened after Russian vessels fired on Ukrainian boats yesterday. The...
European Institute for Gender Equality

European Institute for Gender Equality to produce violence study

A new study launched today by the European Institute for Gender Equality calls for more reliable and better coordinated police and judicial data collection...
Spanish support for Brexit

Spanish support for Brexit in jeopardy over Gibraltar

Spain’s EU Secretary has threatened to withdraw Spanish support for Brexit over altered language pertaining to Gibraltar in Theresa May’s much-maligned withdrawal agreement. Luis Marco...
regional crisis management

Regional crisis management to prevent blackouts

MEPs have approved a provisional deal to implement EU-wide regional crisis management measures in order to minimise the risk of power cuts as winter...
solar geoengineering

Solar geoengineering could tackle climate change

A new study recommends implementing solar geoengineering, the practice of injecting particles into the stratosphere to partially block the sun’s rays, to combat climate...

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