UK and USA EOD and search charities join forces to raise funds in Washington,...
Two charities on either side of the Atlantic will once again join forces to raise awareness and funds for the remarkable men and women...
ICAO endorses scheme tackling carbon dioxide emissions in aviation
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) council has endorsed the EU’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), which aims to tackle...
New project converts parking spaces into electric vehicle recharging points
A new project from innovators Arup will convert standard parking bays into electric vehicle recharging points without inconveniencing drivers or pedestrians. The project, called a...
European leaders gather in Brussels for EU migration summit
The European Commission has detailed its priorities for addressing the ongoing challenges of irregular migration ahead of an EU migration summit. The EU migration summit...
UK all-party parliamentary group on smart cities calls for new strategy
A UK all-party parliamentary group on smart cities has warned that the government needs a new strategy in order to promote smart city concepts...
UK to provide £35m for reform projects in Ukraine
The UK has announced that it will offer £35.4m (~€40.1m) in funding to support reform projects in Ukraine, at the Ukraine Reform Conference in...
EU authorities reach agreement on European Solidarity Corps
European authorities have reached a political agreement on a proposal to provide the European Solidarity Corps with a dedicated budget and legal framework. The European...
The Is it fresh approach to tackling food waste
New sensor technologies in food packaging could help to reduce global food waste, as Is it fresh explains. Did you know that one-third of the...
UK foreign secretary calls to reinforce global ban against chemical weapons
UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has travelled to The Hague, the Netherlands, to discuss the global ban against chemical weapons. A meeting to debate the...
EU-China High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue held in Beijing
At the 7th annual High-level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing, China, the EU and China discussed opportunities for the two parties to harness...