has·to·be implements groundbreaking and standardised overall solutions in the field of e-mobility, paving the way for innovation in transport.
Electromobility (also referred to as ‘eMobility’ and ‘e-mobility’) is a general term for the innovation and development of electricity-powered drivetrains designed to shift vehicle design away from the use of fossil fuels and carbon gas emissions. Automotive engineering offers three main types of electric vehicles (EV): those that are fully battery-powered (BEV), those that are powered by an onboard electrical generator, such as an internal combustion engine (a hybrid electric vehicle, HEV) or a hydrogen fuel cell, and thirdly those that are powered by stored electricity originally generated by an external power source, termed plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV), which utilise rechargeable batteries.
E-mobility is a novel technology implying a fundamental change of system. The relevant differences between it and conventional technology relate to the basic components of an EV system: a rechargeable battery serving as energy storage, the electric motor for transformation of the electric energy into motive force; and enhanced power electronics.
Sustainable e-mobility innovation for successful climate protection
The future of mobility is the ambitious objective of has·to·be, a successful business launched in Radstadt, Salzburg in 2013. Founder Martin Klässner and his team of 70 employees devote themselves exclusively to e-mobility innovation every day and now operate more than 17,000 EV charging points in 28 countries.
The focus is on promising future technology which is already changing our world today – and will do so even more tomorrow. E-mobility is a beacon of hope in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There is no alternative to new and sustainable mobility; people need to be on the move. Individual mobility is one of the basic needs of modern society; and e-mobility powered by renewable energy will be a central component of a smart and resource-friendly urban lifestyle.
In recent years, the transport sector has developed into the world’s largest energy consumer and second largest emitter of greenhouse gases: a key area for climate protection. The traffic of the future can only become climate neutral and low-emission when motorised vehicles are also powered by CO2-neutral fuels.
Central topics of e-mobility
At has·to·be, we perceive e-mobility as an opportunity for innovation. Society needs an efficient transport system and is shifting to environmentally friendly means of transport. E-mobility involves more than a mere electric vehicle; it can become part of a cultural change, thereby promoting new mobility – a sustainable mobility which is just as qualitative and convenient as the model we are unfortunately still accustomed to today, but which is no longer environmentally viable.
Charging infrastructures, energy storage options and billing models are the central topics of current developments in e-mobility, shaped by the trend towards so-called co-operative competition. E-mobility must become simple, convenient, self-evident and pain-free for the driver. The first step is introducing a single charging card, instead of a whole collection. Therefore, large and small companies are working together on sustainable concepts, advancing innovative technologies and green business models from which all parties can benefit. Joint projects involving companies from different industries are the real success factors in the ever-changing mobility market.
This is a challenge that has·to·be has not only accepted but has also embraced and intends to shape decisively. Since August 2019, Volkswagen has been co-operating with has·to·be in the expansion of charging infrastructure. Together, has·to·be and Volkswagen will advance the expansion of Europe’s charging network and participate in the rapidly growing market for charging solutions. The vehicle group’s own charging stations are already partially running on has·to·be software and are as a result part of a holistic and integrated charging ecosystem.
A success story in e-mobility innovation
The success story began with be.ENERGISED, a leading software solution that guarantees success for has·to·be’s e-mobility customers. It manages and operates eCharging stations. be.ENERGISED is a cloud-based software solution whose functions are suitable for all e-mobility applications and which is ideally suited to the needs of CPOs (charging point operators) and EMPs (electric mobility providers).
Today, has·to·be has developed into a provider of a complete solution that covers the entire consulting process, operational management (including the monitoring and co-ordination of charging points), marketing, billing, control and service. This means that has·to·be customers can concentrate entirely on their business success, without any additional personnel costs and effort.
has·to·be perceives itself as a competence centre for e-mobility and is constantly working on further developments. In addition to developing a comprehensive charging infrastructure, the focus is on Europe-wide market requirements. has·to·be pulls the strings in the background and is actively devising standards for successful e-mobility innovation, which is currently highly relevant in regard to calibration law.
Klässner is not only the acting CEO of has·to·be but is also the Deputy Chairman of ‘Work Group 1’ of the Legal Framework Section of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. The group is responsible for the evaluation of the charging station inventory, with regard to a conversion to systems compliant with calibration law. Its main objective is to develop uniform processes, standards and IT solutions throughout Europe. This is a prerequisite ensuring that users of electric vehicles have easy and unlimited access to charging infrastructures and related services across Europe. Whatever challenge you may face, has·to·be will implement your e-mobility concept and lead you to success, while also adapting to your individual demands with only one interface for all processes; known as ‘be.ENERGISED’.
be.ENERGISED: the software for reliable and simple operation
be.ENERGISED ensures the stable, safe, and efficient operation of your infrastructure, from monitoring your charging stations to billing your customers.
The focal point is always you
Our operating system for charging stations is comprehensively designed. You don’t need many different solutions, only one. This allows you to save money on training for additional products, as well as on licences and interfaces.
Your business is growing? be.ENERGISED grows with you!
As our software solution is constantly evolving and available in the cloud, you always have all updates and innovations on board. If your requirements grow, be.ENERGISED simply adapts!
The dashboard: all of your information at a glance
The dashboard provides you, the operator of the respective charging infrastructure, with an overview of operations at all times. An overview page displays all important data parameters. You can, for instance, discern at a glance how much power is being consumed by your customers, how many charging stations are in use, or whether a service call needs to be co-ordinated. All this information is available in real time, meaning that be.ENERGISED enables you to manage your charging infrastructure efficiently.
Flexible tariff structuring
Do you want to provide your employees with free energy for their company cars, but still earn money by making your charging network available to external users? No problem at all! be.ENERGISED’s flexible tariff management function enables you to determine the price structure that suits your business model best. The options are unlimited, from time-of-day tariffs to flat-rates. Define your prices according to your business concept and create your individual success formula for the billing of charging cycles.
Comprehensive user management with group administration
e-mobility is a field that is in constant flux. Accordingly, the tasks of those who use your system evolve too. With be.ENERGISED, you always retain full control over users, as well as their rights within the system. Thus, you have the option to organise certain users or departments in groups. This allows you to only display the sections they presently require. This reduces the complexity for your employees and minimises operating errors and training costs.
We are reliable in the background
has·to·be ensures “the stable operation of the charging station network and enables simple billing processes, regardless of which charging the respective customer wants to use. Even non-contract direct payment at the charging station is possible. We also maintain a hotline for customer support if something should go amiss”, explains CEO Martin Klässner. “We act as a white label provider, meaning that the consumers are not aware of us as a company. They merely perceive the high quality of processing.”
We assure safe and reliable charging station monitoring, including 24/7 surveillance, troubleshooting via remote maintenance, and update implementation. In short, our e-mobility innovation services ensure that your charging network runs smoothly and your customers are content. This means you are free to focus on your core business.
If you have any further questions or would like to know more about has·to·be, please feel free to contact us.
Tobias Scharfen (CSO)
has·to·be gmbh