The European Commission has adopted new ecodesign measures aimed at improving energy efficiency for EU households.
The ecodesign measures, which fall under the ‘energy efficiency first’ clause of the EU’s Energy Union programme, are designed to improve the sustainability of household appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines and televisions; with increased requirements for repairability and recyclability ensuring their functionality within the circular economy. The measures, which include provision for maximum water use per cycle in washing machines and dishwashers, availability of spare parts for appliances up to 10 years after initial purchase and improving consumers’ ability to repair their own appliances at home, are projected to result in final annual energy savings of 167TWh by 2030; and to save households in the EU an average of €150 per year.
European Commission Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen said: “Whether it is by fostering repairability or improving water consumption, intelligent ecodesign makes us use our resources more efficiently, bringing clear economic and environmental benefits. Figures speak for themselves: these measures can save European households on average €150 per year and contribute to energy savings equal to annual energy consumption of Denmark by 2030. It is with concrete steps such as these that Europe as a whole is embracing the circular economy to the benefit of citizens, our environment and European businesses.”
Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, said: “Together with smarter energy labels, our ecodesign measures can save European consumers a lot of money, as well as help the EU reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Ecodesign is therefore a key element in the fight against climate change and a direct contribution to meeting the goals set in the Paris Agreement. As we move towards our long term goal of a fully decarbonised EU by 2050, our energy efficiency and ecodesign strategy will become ever more important.”