The European Commission has called on Member States’ heads of state to provide input and guidance on the 2021-2027 EU budget.
Member States’ leaders agreed in June 2019 to reach an agreement on the EU budget for 2021-2027 by the end of this year, delivering a Multiannual Financial Framework capable of meeting current and future challenges. The Commission’s communication detailed the main points in need of further consideration by heads of state:
- Ascertaining overall levels of funding to meet the Commission’s future priorities;
- Determining a balance of priorities for setting and funding EU-wide policy;
- Increasing transparency over the financing of the 2021-2027 EU budget;
- Cultivating new sources of funding, in order to reduce the pressure placed on national budgets; and
- Implementing greater coherence of policies by taking a more holistic approach to allocating priority to funding and policies, as well as ensuring the budget is not vulnerable to potential deficiencies in the rule of law.
Outgoing European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: “The long term EU budget is about acting where the EU adds the most value. It is investment in Europe-wide, world-leading research. It is funding for cross-border infrastructure, support for small businesses; and a safety net for our farmers. It is an education in another European country for generations of young Europeans. These are the priorities reflected in the Commission’s proposal for the next seven years. Moreover, our proposal is a forward-looking, responsible and pragmatic plan on how to do more with less. I call on the European Parliament and our Member States to reach a swift agreement.”
Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner in charge of Budget and Human Resources, said: “In the spring of last year, the Commission made a proposal about EU’s next long-term budget that everyone recognised as a solid basis for negotiations. 16 months later, work has progressed but time is becoming short. Everyone must now work towards a compromise. We should roll up our sleeves and walk the final stretch. At a time of great challenges, Europe cannot afford a delay of its long term budget. Our citizens are waiting to see results; it is now time to take responsibility. It is time to decide.”