The European Commission today published two studies which show EU exports support 36 million jobs across the union.
Since 2014, the beginning of this European Commission, the number of jobs supported by EU exports has increased by 3.5 million. Of the 36 million jobs in the EU deriving from the export industry, 14 million are held by women; jobs supported by EU exports are paid 12 per cent more on average than jobs in the rest of the economy. Another 20 million jobs outside the EU are supported by exports, including just over one million jobs in the US.
In 2017, the most recent date covered in the studies, Germany’s exports outside the EU supported the most jobs – 8.4 million across the EU – followed by the UK with 4.2 million jobs supported and France with 3.4 million. EU exports to the world generate a total of €2.3 trillion in Member States.
The figures laid out in the studies show that the benefits of EU exports transfer between Member States: because companies providing exports along the supply chain benefit when their final product is sold abroad, workers in Member States benefit when exporters in other Member States perform well. While German exports to other countries support around 6.8 million jobs in Germany, for example, another 1.6 million jobs in other Member States are supported by German exports.
Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, said: “This study makes it crystal clear that trade means jobs. EU exports to the world support the livelihoods of a vast, and increasing, number of citizens in every corner of Europe. Almost 40 per cent of those whose jobs are supported by trade are women. EU trade also supports millions of jobs far beyond EU borders, including in developing countries; so here’s even more proof that trade can be a win-win: what’s good for us is also good for our partners around the world.”