The EU’s third annual report on its Facility for Refugees in Turkey shows the EU has delivered ongoing, consistent support for refugees.
The Facility, which was established in 2015 with the aim of supporting Syrian refugees in Turkey, has successfully implemented 84 projects since its inception; with more than €2 billion distributed in support for humanitarian assistance, socioeconomic development, healthcare and education. In addition to helping meet the immediate and emergent needs of refugees and their Turkish host communities, the Facility works to boost the integration of refugees into their new homes by providing language lessons, vocational courses and training to help refugees find employment.
Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, said: “The Facility’s third annual report clearly demonstrates the EU’s concrete results in supporting vulnerable refugees in Turkey. EU humanitarian aid helps more than 1.5 million refugees to meet their basic needs and live in dignity. I am proud of our joint achievements and we remain committed to support those in need.”
470,000 families are currently receiving support under the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education scheme, which provides financial support to qualifying families with children attending school; while 400,000 Syrian students have received Turkish language lessons through the Promoting Integration of Syrian Children into Turkish Education System programme, which has also trained 19,000 teachers and education administrators.
Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said: “The third annual report shows solid results in the implementation of the EU assistance. The EU has fully honoured its commitment to mobilise €6 billion and is working to support and to empower refugees in need. At the same time, we are working to support host communities and Turkish institutions to ensure the sustainability of this assistance beyond the lifespan of the Facility.”
The second tranche of support to be offered by the Facility for Refugees in Turkey is already in progress, set to focus on continued socioeconomic integration of refugees and providing a functional education for children. €400 million has already been dedicated in funding for educational programmes; and a further €100 million has been set aside to support maintenance of school infrastructure.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if someone ever said to ” The Tax – Payers of the EU ” Thank You – it is because you pay all the taxes that means the EU Commission can hand -out YOUR money for such schemes.
So often everything is snatched – taken for granted – and totally unappreciated – it would be nice to hear ” A simple Thank You ” for all working so hard that your money can be passed on to Countries who are not in the EU.
Not a lot to ask is it ? But sems to be beyond normal though process. It is not the EU Commissions money – it is OURS – our taxes are paying for all this !!