Government Europa Quarterly 27 examines issues related to crisis management, cybersecurity and border control; as well as discussing climate and transport solutions in a world increasingly dominated by smart technology.
As the ‘smart city‘ increases in scope, Government Europa Quarterly takes a closer look at how technological developments can aid transport and infrastructure. Meanwhile, as Brexit continues to loom, GEQ investigates the future of meat in a UK out of the EU.
- Tony Smith CBE, chairman of the International Border Management and Technologies Association, discusses issues surrounding European security and border control.
Don’t crisis: an up-to-date look at security issues on and offline
- Special feature: How can Europe deal with the migrant crisis? Eugenio Ambrosi of the International Organization for Migration sheds some light;
- Pilotech showcase their operational crisis management system, InCaseIt, designed to help large corporations address and minimise potential risk;
- In a special e-booklet, CardLab offers technological solutions to protect both your money and your data;
- DSwissAG consider the logistics of inheriting digital assets;
- David Sikora, CEO of ALTR, discusses the ways in which GDPR could affect blockchain technology;
- Government Europa Quarterly explores why children go missing in Europe and how we can protect them;
- The International Centre For Missing & Exploited Children considers child protection and safety; and
- Dr Stephen Prior, Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles at the University of Southampton, tells Government Europa Quarterly about drones.
Smart casual: technology meets sustainability, infrastructure and digital ownership
- Theo Blackwell, London’s first chief digital officer, tells Government Europa Quarterly about London’s future as a smart city;
- The Find Your Gap e-booklet presents solutions for finding, managing and using parking spaces in a modern smart city;
- Mark Møller-Nielsen, healthcare policy assistant at EuropaBio, highlights the need for a comprehensive intellectual property system in healthcare biotechnology;
- Elizabeth van Opstall, managing director of SmartPort, tells Government Europa Quarterly how Rotterdam port is leading the way in sustainability;
- Cradle To Circular Design’s Brendon Rowen explains the concept of the circular economy;
- Samuel Lethier explains how TOTAL SA contributes to the industrial deployment of carbon capture, utilisation and storage;
- TOTAL SA’s e-booklet outlines solutions and future ambitions for CCUS;
- Spawnfoam Ltd show us their revolutionary plastic substitute; and
- Oxfam’s Imke Greven and the International Land Coalition’s Elisabetta Cangelosi discuss women’s land rights and sustainability.