In accordance with a recommendation by the European Commission, 24 Member States have now conducted national 5G risk assessments.
The national 5G risk assessments will feed into an EU-wide risk assessment due for completion by 1 October 2019; and include analysis by relevant bodies including cybersecurity authorities, telecommunications providers and intelligence and security bodies. They include evaluations of:
- The sensitivity levels of the functions and components of 5G networks;
- A list of potential threats to 5G networks and where they are most likely to originate; and
- The types of vulnerabilities potentially affecting 5G rollout and connectivity across all sectors, including technical issues and concerns stemming from the supply chain.
Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel and Commissioner for the Security Union Julian King said in a joint statement: “We urge Member States to remain committed to the concerted approach and to use this important step to gain momentum for a swift and secure rollout of 5G networks. Close EU-wide cooperation is essential both for achieving strong cybersecurity and for reaping the full benefits, which 5G will have to offer for people and businesses. The completion of the risk assessments underlines the commitment of Member States not only to set high standards for security but also to make full use of this groundbreaking technology. We hope that the outcomes will be taken into account in the process of 5G spectrum auctions and network deployment, which is taking place across the EU now and in the coming months. Several Member States have already taken steps to reinforce applicable security requirements while others are considering introducing new measures in the near future.”
The Commissioners continued: “We need all key players, big and small, to accelerate their efforts and join us in building a common framework aimed at ensuring consistently high levels of security. We look forward to continuing our close cooperation with Member States as we begin the work on an EU-wide risk assessment, due to be complete by 1 October, that will help to develop a European approach to protecting the integrity of 5G.”