The European Commission has adopted its fourth list of Projects of Common Interest for the EU Energy Union.
The Projects of Common Interest list, aimed at shoring up cross-border infrastructure projects which provide affordable, clean, secure energy to EU residents, is designed to support the EU’s long term Energy Union goals of energy decarbonisation and ensuring sustainable energy provision throughout the bloc. All projects included in the list are market integrated in at least two EU Member States and can be shown to have a ‘significant impact’ on European energy markets.
Vice President for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič said: “The Energy Union is a major driver of clean energy innovation in Europe and the rest of the world. We are making sure that this energy transition is socially fair, leads to innovation and is based on smart infrastructure, which is adapted to the needs of the future energy system. Through our Projects of Common Interest, we are building strong and well-connected networks across Europe in order to enhance security of supply.”
The Commission’s identification of Projects of Common Interest enables listed projects to be considered for simplified permitting protocols and the right to apply for funding through the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility. More than 70% of the projects identified are related to smart energy grids and renewable electricity provision.
Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, said: “Europe’s energy transition is well underway, with record levels of clean and renewable energy and rapidly falling costs. But Europe’s energy infrastructure must advance in the same direction and with the same speed to fully support this transition. That is why we are focusing the new list of projects on key electricity interconnections and smart grids. Today’s steps to boost clean energy infrastructure are another important move towards making our energy system more sustainable, more competitive and more secure – providing genuine European added value consolidating our European Energy Union built on solidarity.”