Smart Cities Issue 1

There are a variety of sectors within the European regions that continue to innovate the way we use technology to improve the lives of citizens substantially. This publication covers the various ways in which these technological advances are being used to revolutionise transport, energy and the environment.

Smart Cities – Issue 1, which discusses technological advances, is introduced by President of the European Committee of the Regions, Markku Markkula, who outlines the profound impact that the rapid digitisation of European society has had on management of energy, infrastructure and the economy.

How are smart cities evolving in Europe?

  • Louise Overgaard, IT and innovation officer for the city of Aarhus, Denmark, explains why digital education matters in smart cities; and
  • Dr Jonathan Bright of the Oxford Internet Institute explains how cities can make use of the data their citizens create every day.

How is the energy sector evolving?

  • Stefan Lodeweyckx of Enervalis discusses the role of flexibility and demand response in power systems; and
  • EURELECTRIC’s Kristian Ruby discusses the need to make cybersecurity a part of the European energy sector’s DNA.

What is the future of transport?

  • European commissioner Violeta Bulc discussed future transport at the conference on Connected and Automated Driving in Brussels, Belgium; and
  • Secretary General at NGVA Europe Andrea Gerini argues the case for using natural gas as a primary fuel for Europe.

How will connectivity improve the digital economy?

  • MEP for the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Evelyne Gebhardt, shares her reasons why 5G connectivity is ideal for moving the digital economy forwards and concerns for what it means for security; and
  • Kary Framling of Aalto University, Finland, explains how open standards for data storage could improve market competition.

What does the future hold for the environment?

  • Simone Raskob, Minister for Environment and Building of the City of Essen, Germany, explains how the industrial city of Essen became the European Green Capital 2017; and
  • Janez Potočnik, who served as commissioner for the environment and as commissioner for science and research, and now chair of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture, explains why smart agriculture matters and how sustainable objectives can be reached.
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