Low-carbon global economies powered by Sustainable Decisions

Sustainable Decisions Limited is a think tank engaged in accelerating the transition to low-carbon global economies through societal capability building and sustainable infrastructure development.

They understand that cumulative actions, however small, can lead to big change. They provide advisory, research and education services to public and private organisations for policy and investment decision making focused on delivering the future low-carbon economy.

The think tank applies innovative techniques and tools in decision making building on research and multidisciplinary expertise to help create novel holistic and socially beneficial solutions to the complex problems associated with low carbon infrastructure investment, community development, and public and private sector capacity building.

Sustainability and low carbon regions

Sustainable Decisions says that the application of systems thinking to the design of new low-carbon infrastructure, servicing energy intensive industrial regions, means looking at ‘big picture’ integrated plans and valuation, which requires consideration of how the development of the infrastructure will impact such outcomes as:

  • Acceleration of CO2 emissions abatement and reduction of environmental impacts;
  • Creation of new industries, services, and jobs;
  • Lowering of investment risks;
  • Changing energy costs for customers, industries and businesses; and
  • Creation of decarbonisation efficiencies between sectors such as transport, heating and power.

How do we create low carbon industrial regions?

Energy intensive industries in Europe contribute significantly to jobs, GDP, and the production of vital feedstock, goods and services that are essential for modern day living. In Europe, annual CO2 emissions from industry account for more than 25% of total emissions.

According to Sustainable Decision Limited carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the only solution to reduce the CO2 emissions created by many energy intensive industries during their operations. It is also essential for removing the emissions that come from the production of hydrogen which is considered an important fuel for decarbonising transport.

A challenge Europe faces is how to create a rapid low-carbon transition that ensures the viability and sustainability of the existing industrial regions, achieving emissions reductions in a way that does not adversely affect the competitiveness of these European operations and which retains the associated jobs.

Within this booklet, Sustainable Decisions Limited discusses the issues surrounding Europe’s emissions and ways to produce low carbon industrial regions further.

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